ChemDBsoft Lite Version is suitable for efficient management of chemical databases with up-to 50,000 structures/records.
ChemDBsoft Lite Version features:
- Fast and simple interface to create databases. A new database can be created in seconds!
- Fast data browsing and sorting by any field.
- Search by structure, substructure, similarity or any other data field.
- Multiple database search - you can search several databases with one query!
- 70 Free structure templates and a sample database are included.
- Unlimited Import/Export in various data formats (SDF, TXT, JCAMP-LINK, etc..)
- all version Windows OS compatible
- Duplicate removal feature (removes records with identical structures, molecular weight, ID, or any other data field)
- Fast multiple database searching, sorting, comparison, merging
- Supports common data formats SDF, MOL, JCAMP and others
- Includes Free Structure Editor (a $900 value! )
- Printing Templates
- Data password protection
- Database size is up-to 50,000 structures/records. To manage unlimited-size (10,000,000 structures/records) databases please consider ChemDbsoft Standard Version.
- Price: as low as $50 for government/academic users and $250 for commercial - a fraction of cost of what you'd pay for other software titles with similar functions. Contact us for multiple license pricing.
Download Free ChemDBsoft Demo:
ChemDBsoft Lite Demo Version (3 Mb)
Demo is fully functional except: CDROM is not provided, Batch import/export is limited to 10 structures, 70+ template structures are not included, Demo window pops up, technical support, updates and downloads are not available.
Get a ChemDBsoft Lite Version Now!